Staying Fit While Keeping Busy from
Dan Parvu trains Mayor Nutter "....Depending on his [Mayor Nutter] schedule, the workouts last from 35 minutes to an hour, under the tutelage of his personal trainer, Dan Parvu, 32, a personable native of Romania whose lean physique is a persuasive advertisement...."...

Why you should lift with your legs and not your back
It’s important to lift with your legs and not your back. Yes, yes, and yes. We have heard this message ten thousand times and it is the cardinal rule in movement. But it is so easy to reach down like an ape and pick up a heavy object with our arms and...
If your macros fit mentality great read from anabolic minds
Nutrition arguments happen because of intellectual superiority… or the perception of it at least. Hell, that’s basically why most arguments happen. “I’m right, you’re wrong. Let me make you feel dumb.” And in the end, nobody changes their minds. So let’s do...
Head position while doing squats(anabolic minds)
There are a lot of things to learn and practice when you’re new to squatting and you want to get the best results possible, such as choosing the right weight, engaging the posterior chain, reaching proper depth at the bottom of the squat, keeping your back straight...